Creation of a website for the cars of special US-manufacturer Dodge, including individual dealer sites.
Following the claim "Grab life by the horns", a design is developed which leans onto the masculine appearance of Dodge cars.
The willingly projected "macho image" (by the Dodge Viper e.g.) is acknowleged, while also streamlining the appearance to fit the overall structure and design of into the concept formulated by the brand websites of Chrysler and Jeep.
Direct navigation speeds up the access to all Dodge models (Caliber, Nitro, Avenger and Journey). Detailed information is provided within each model’s area, enhanced by the use of quality images to make model variants easily distinguishable on newly introduced overviews.
A relaunch in 2010 further optimizes the design and usability of the German Dodge presence.
Shorter loading times and striking teaser areas on the front page, to announce special campaigns and events, are a testament to this.
DDD provides regular model and content updates on the consumer websites, offers support for the retailer pages, initiates newsletters and web specials as well as sales campaigns and manages all processes concerning test drives, catalogue orders and the price finder.
The German presence is initially developed and hosted in Dodge’s internationally used Day-CMS, following designs either provided by or created on behalf of Dodge. 2007 sees the move to the Interwoven-CMS. Following the requested capabilities, specials are developed in Flash or HTML, with or without a database backend, while the basic content is edited individually in close collaboration with Dodge.
The dealer search and price finder tool are being developed separately with Python and Django as a HTML-application. Later a mobile interface is added using jQuery Mobile. The retailer pages remain in the website CMS, resulting in the separately running systems for Dodge.