Regional Commercials

Client: Impossible Software  /  Xaxis
Time of Creation: January 2015  –  March 2015
Type of Project: Video
Commercials - comparison 1
comparison 2
comparison 3

Xaxis, one of the largest advertising marketers, commissioned Impossible Software with the regionalization of current customer advertising spots.
The user should be able to find the store's address in the PreRollcommercial in their direct
perimeter to create a much more personal/local relation to the brand.


Impossible Software commissioned DDD to process the supplied commercials of Vodafone, TK Maxx and Goodyear in such a way that appropriate information can appear individually at certain times.
For each video, DDD develops a banderole in which the logo of the brand, a retailer's name or a logo can be printed or a possible advertising slogan and the exact address of the dealer can be inserted. It had to be ensured that even very long texts still fit into the band.


DDD is responsible for the graphic implementation of the band (Vodafone was delivered to us in full) and that Motion Design including coordination with the customer.
The regionalization / conversion of the dealer address from IP addresses, rendering and delivery of the regionalized spots is done by Impossible Software.