PayPal Online Shops

Client: PayPal Deutschland
Time of Creation: October 2011  –  November 2011
Type of Project: Websites

Creation of a special eCommerce shop for PayPal customers.


DDD implements an eCommerce shop, in which PayPal customers can buy special offers to say "thanks" for the trust in the company. This shop is part of a large Xmas campaign an can be reached by visiting the "PayPay Wish List" landing page. The 2011 version of this site is produced entirely by DDD.

Accompanying the Football Euro 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine the shop is transformed using a completely football-themed layout resembling a stadium.

For the second iteration DDD not only plans and implements the site programmatically, but also creates the visual concept of the shop completely.
Both shops get enormous amounts of visits during the high times of the accompanying e-mail-newsletter campaign.


The landing page is especially built to meet PayPal's security requirements, to allow the page to be integrated into PayPal's own web services and hosting. All data is retrieved using an existing API for product information by PayPal, which is efficiently requested, parsed and cached to guarantee fast website rendering for all users.